Clear Span Building
You have questions and we have answers! Explore our FAQ page dedicated to any questions involving our patented UpGrade Clear Span Building
What is the cost of the UpGrade and why should I purchase or lease an UpGrade Clear Span Building?
A smaller complex 2k/sf or less will run around $80/sf. A 18K/sf and larger project falls into $40/sf area. Additional specifications, and customizations can change final pricing. What sets The UpGrade apart is Whitley’s patented processes that allows a cost savings of 40-50% compared to standard site-built construction. For many clients of Whitley, these time savings mean a quicker path to revenue, or gaining crucial storage/maintenance space to protect their businesses assets. The final reason many people love this product, is that it is fully movable if circumstances in your business change over time. This is addressed later in this FAQ (see below).
What will these assumed prices provide for architectural and MEP’s?
The above estimated costing would include insulation package, steel exterior siding, steel interior liner panel, high bay LED lighting, NEC required receptacles, panel boxes, unit heaters (gas or electric), ICC required man doors and several overhead
What other items can be installed in factory prior to erection at site?
Whitley can provide a full engineered fire suppression system, low voltage conduit for controls and security, compressed air lines such as Rapid Air or Duratec and plumbing as some examples of our capabilities with the UpGrade Clear Span Building.
How many modules can ship per truck to me in a knock down manner?
Whitley has found based on configuration we can stack up to three high on flat bed truck. The truss height will be the definer on the amount that can stacked. If the units go on a barge the height can much higher as the road restrictions are eliminated.
How much does it cost to ship to my site?
Of course, so many variables have to be considered as transportation is influenced by many factors. If fuel costs are in a standard price point the “rule of thumb” is $5.50/Mile. Whitley can provide shipping to site or customer is free to accept the UpGrade as FOB plant of production.
How many modules can be set in a day’s time?
This too is influenced by breadth of module’s width and length and of course weather and site conditions. We found that SF is the best barometer to measure this. Figure on 5k/sf per day on a normal day but 7200 /Sf could be achieved on an optimal day utilizing larger module sizes.
How big a crew is needed to set the Upgrade?
A typical crew would start with four (4) person crew on smaller projects and up to eight (8) on larger buildings. (This would not include the crane operator and riggers.)
I don’t have any construction people or have the time can Whitley supply
a crew to install this on my site?
Whitley can certainly provide a turnkey experience on the UpGrade™ as we have many avenues of professionals who we work with to perform such activities. This scope of work can also be split. The customer would provide the foundation and Whitley takes it from that point to completion. Simply let us know early in the process what your needs are.
If we decide to hire our own crews can we get the weights and size of
crane from Whitley?
It is and always has been Whitley’s policy to provide our valued customers all heights, widths and estimated weights on all our projects whether they are traditional off-site buildings or the UpGrade™. If our customers do provide the set crew and the crane that responsibility is job specific and must be provided by customers approved crane operating company. Customers and their contractors are welcome to visit the manufacturing facility at any time to see their project in production and go over any details for installation with our experienced staff.
Does Whitley supply onsite support?
This is a great question and the simple answer is yes. A Whitley team member will be at the site preferably at the start but if not at some time during the process. There may be another Whitley Manager be there in place of or accompanying another Whitley team member during this procedure. If the customer is looking for more than a Manager to help assist in this and wants a technician Whitley will provide the cost for that individual based on their skill expertise.
Does Whitley provide a warranty on the UpGrade?
Whitley has such extreme confidence in this product that we provide a 13 month warranty on your structure. This would include but not inclusive of any structural issues, MEP deficiencies and workmanship. Of course, normal wear and tear, abuse, acts of God etc. would not fall under this warrant
If my company purchases the UpGrade can we get materials down the road if it gets damaged or goes bad outside the warranty?
It is Whitley’s policy to assist our customers in procuring these parts as required. Whitley will make every effort to find an exact replacement but due to changing markets or dye lot color difference we cannot guarantee it specifically.
Is the UpGrade a building or classified as a piece of equipment?
Whitley suggests you contact your accountant for precise adjudication in your part of the country or state. It has been in shown in past projects to be considered equipment providing the same depreciation value of seven (7) years as equipment. Though it may be compliant as equipment, rest assured it will provide many years of service same as any other buildings. Please contact your tax expert on your specific conditions.
What building codes does Whitley build the UpGrade under?
Whitley will build it to the exact model codes required in your state. The UpGrade model is no different than any other commercial structure in our country. The uniqueness is that its designed and built under premier conditions and made to service a multitude of industries.
What type of design and AHJ approval support can Whitley provide?
Whitley is a full service that includes full design staff at each facility that produces the Upgrade buildings. Whitley will provide a complete design package and carry it through approval for the state it will be located. A local engineer will need to handle final foundation design, civil design, zoning and items required by local municipalities. If the job is sold as a complete turnkey solution Whitley would provide this function using our network of engineers and architects.